Probably you might be having a salary bank account where you can easily see a button to apply for a personal loan. Since they have already done a KYC you will be eligible for a loan without submitting document also. If you are getting it from some other bank then also they will require few documents only. Click below to know in detail about the documents required to get a personal loan
Compared to getting a loan from unsecured mediums from traditional ways you will get personal loan at attractive interest rates. Starting from 10.25% onwards + processing fees.
Making on-time repayment is a wonderful strategy to raise your credit score if you have bad credit or no credit history. We recommend to only borrow money that you can afford to repay.
A home loan or a car loan you to spend on doing that specific job only. However personal loan you can get to use it for anything you want.
In most of the bank you can avail loan for a tenure of up to 60 months or less. This gives great flexibility to avail loan.